
mandag 24. februar 2014

Viewptp paid me! :)

First Payment from them! Join here http://adf.ly/e0crn

Here's the Proof:

Gomez Peer January payment!

I got paid from Gomez Peer again! :)

Join here: http://goo.gl/1PlAhZ

And here's the payment proof:

I get free Bitcoins from this site! :) Join here: http://goo.gl/RDEMGD

You can roll one time every hour!!

mandag 10. februar 2014

Got another Payment from HarshalPTP.

I am running Jingling on several VPS's so this is fully automatic! :)

Here's the Proof:

mandag 3. februar 2014

First payment from HarshalPTP! If you need to know the method I use for this contact me! :)